Gaspar Rodriguez

Country: Chile
Organization: Corporación La Esperanza (CLE)

Corporación La Esperanza (CLE) offers free outpatient and residential drug rehabilitation services and prevention programs for youth, men, and women in underserved communities across Chile. Seven clinics provide a much- needed lifeline for over 500 patients every year. The goal of Gaspar's internship was to implement a cloud-based solution that allowed them to register and track the most quantitative and key data about their patients. 

Gaspar: “Overall, the internship was a professionally and personally enriching experience. As a native Chilean, I was very excited about working with a local nonprofit and spending time in my home country. I’m very grateful that I was able to apply my background in business development, data architecture, data analysis, and consulting to benefit CLE. My career goals have been, and continue to be, shaped by technology, data, and international development. I hope to use this experience to drive my career of working in the social impact sector abroad. Prior to this, I had never worked in my home country and it was a massive learning experience to understand how the nonprofit and NGO sector is using technology and managing data in Chile. I was also able to meet with and have informational interviews at various organizations that painted a vibrant and rapidly evolving picture of Chile.”

Leia Doran
Designer & Illustrator in Brooklyn NY.

Nathaniel Rosenblum


Alexander Kostura