The Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund
The Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund was set up to directly aid victims of the April 25, 2015 earthquake. We were inspired to do this by Nepali students at the graduate program of Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy a who participated in Blakeley Fellowship programs, and by Nepalis living in the Boston area who wanted to get funds to the victims quickly.
What the Blakeley Foundation does differentiates it from large charity organizations. These organizations do important work, but funds do not always get to the people who need it the most, and when they do, the funds often do not get to those people in time. 100% of funds were transferred immediately to support relief efforts of responsible organizations working on the ground at and around Kathmandu, with no administration fees taken out.
Video by Deerwalk Foundation
The Blakeley Foundation Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund partnered closely with:
Deerwalk Social Welfare Network works in many sectors that align with its core beliefs including education, healthcare, tourism, sustainable development, agriculture, gender and sanitation. Deerwalk already has 100’s of volunteers providing direct relief to Nepalese earthquake victims, walking street by street and door to door.
With a firm belief in Corporate Social Responsibility, Deerwalk Social Welfare Network’s parent Company, Deerwalk Inc. allocates a fund of NPR 50,000+ is allocated per quarter for purposes that align with our vision of promoting a equitable and prosperous society. Initiatives have included book donations to colleges, cash donations to charitable programs/organizations, and cleanliness campaigns as well as an extensive campaign to provide funding and relief efforts after the earthquake.
Since 2003, Empower Dalit Women of Nepal (EDWON) has been assisting rural Dalit women to become agents of change. EDWON enables Dalit women, repressed by caste and gender, to claim their human rights, gain economic empowerment and live in dignity. ADWAN, founded in 1998, is an independent, non-governmental organization registered in Nepal. EDWON raises funds exclusively for ADWAN, which leads and carries out the program, which operates in marginalized communities in the Gorkha district (where the 2015 earthquake epicenter was) as well as in Ilam, Arghakhanchi, Baglung, Jhapa, Chitwan and Sarlahi.