Jessica Meckler
Country: Bangladesh
Organization: Social Innovation Lab
Jessica Meckler interned at BRAC’s Social Innovation Lab, a development organization headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jessica’s specified role was to assist the Social Innovation Lab, which is nestled in the Microfinance department, with they Innovation fund for Mobile Money.
Jessica: “My internship solidified my interest in M&E, and the lessons that I learned while at BRAC will help determine my courses for my second year at Fletcher. I already rely on my knowledge from BRAC now.”
Country: Bangladesh
Organization: Social Innovation Lab
Jessica Meckler interned at BRAC’s Social Innovation Lab, a development organization headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Jessica’s specified role was to assist the Social Innovation Lab, which is nestled in the Microfinance department, with they Innovation fund for Mobile Money.
Jessica: “My internship solidified my interest in M&E, and the lessons that I learned while at BRAC will help determine my courses for my second year at Fletcher. I already rely on my knowledge from BRAC now.”
Country: Bangladesh
Yasuhiko developed recommendations for the top management of ASA, an MFI whose models has been introduced in more than 117 countries, to address the issue of overlapping borrowers and the overall loan portfolio quality.
Country: Bangladesh
Yasuhiko developed recommendations for the top management of ASA, an MFI whose models has been introduced in more than 117 countries, to address the issue of overlapping borrowers and the overall loan portfolio quality.
Country: Bangladesh
Masaharu started a telemedicine service to connect local villagers with clinics or hospitals to urban hospitals, collaborating with bracNet, Grameen and BRAC. Responsibilities included meeting IT managers in local hospitals, developing a strategic plan and designing a demonstration to prove the service is technically feasible. Pilot project is now run by an NGO.
Country: Bangladesh
Masaharu started a telemedicine service to connect local villagers with clinics or hospitals to urban hospitals, collaborating with bracNet, Grameen and BRAC. Responsibilities included meeting IT managers in local hospitals, developing a strategic plan and designing a demonstration to prove the service is technically feasible. Pilot project is now run by an NGO.