Leia Doran Leia Doran

Les Artisans Laos

Located in Vientiane, Laos, Les Artisans Laos is a social venture allowing disadvantaged, uneducated and often marginalized people (ie. single mothers), to receive an apprenticeship and to have the opportunity to get a job and earn their living with an acquired skill set.


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Leia Doran Leia Doran

The Village Development Partnership

The Village Development Partnership developed by renowned social entrepreneur Mechai Viravaidya is an innovative endeavor to empower rural communities in Thailand and Cambodia to eradicate poverty and improve their quality of life. It is a genuine partnership between the villagers and a sponsoring company or organization, providing business skills training and capital to enable each village to have its own community owned and managed Village Bank.

The micro-credit program is managed through Population & Community Development Association (PDA), based in Bangkok, Thailand.


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