An Update from Avon
Here is an update from AYON:
AYON: Summary: As a quick response to the earthquake, #Act4Quake team, within 23 hours mobilized around 100 volunteers for relief and rescue operations. Right now we are reaching the un-reached and un-served areas, so far act4quake youth team has reached more than 60 villages of 11 districts and mobilized more than 700 volunteers.
Now it is looking ahead for rebuilding and rehabilitation of earthquake affected areas. #Act4Quake team is looking for short term, mid-term and long-term self motivated youth to work in different areas of relief, recovery and rebuilding of affected areas following the earthquake.
Coverage of their initiation: Alzajeera:
AYON’s daily update can be accessed Act4Quake Daily Update: 3rd May
Act4quake was featured in Aljazeera
A team with volunteer was sent to Dhuksun VDC Sinshdupalchok with 10 sacks of rice, 2 sacks of rice and basic medicines.
A group of volunteers was sent to Ramche VDC of Sinshupalchowk with 10 sacks of rice, 2 sacks of rice and basic medicines.e
A team of volunteers was sent to Jalbire sindhupalchowk with 10 sacks or rice and 2 sacks of daal.
A team was ent to Madanpur Nuwakot with 10 sacks of rice and 2 sacks of daal.
Basic medicines were sent to Jeevanpur Ramkot and Thorjagat of Kathamandu.
Salt and basic medicines were given to orphanage located in Kapan Kathmandu
10 sacs of rce, 1 sacs of pulses, 12 packets of salts and basic medicines were sent to suspachmawati of Dolakha VDC.
#act4quake team contributed 15 bottles of Water Purifier (PIYUSH) to Last Resort (BHOTEKOSHI)
Bikers volunteers were back from Tipine (Mahadevkhola) Sindhupalchok distributing tents, water purifier, and dry foods. Reporting that there are 22 households with 82 people were benefited. All most all the houses were destroyed road being blocked and none of the aid or support has reached them. There is no total records of deaths and casualties because none of the teams have reached there. The community people are drinking the river water and the WASH status seems very poor projecting the epidemic outbreak.
The volunteers team serving the victims of Rasuwa since last three days was back after distributing the tents, food and water purifier and helping the medical teams following them yesterday to set up the health camp. Team reported that they were highly appreciated and supported by government officials and securities.
After distributing the tents to 29 households in Balkumari VDC ward no 9 of Nuwakot district was back. Team assessed that the WASH status was good.
7 membered volunteers team was back from Dadhing Mulpani distributing the tents, breads and rice sacks. There are 12 deaths and more than 120 casualties in the VDC. Team reported that the WASH status was poor and community is highly polluted. Team coordinated with local youth for distribution of tents and foods as well as maintenance of WASH status of VDC. The community is still in need of more numbers of tents and food supplies.
Act4quake volunteers 4 membered group was sent to Jarsing pauwa – 10 Km from Saankhu with foods and tents.